The Greatest Avatar Ever! (Mine, dah!)

hello world,
This post is all about my new avatar!                                                             (This is it)

I made this avatar on a great website called Avatar Maker.

On my avatar it has sport clothes and gear, I put these on because I love to play sport. I chose my background because I love the beach, I especially love surfing. I chose the glasses because I like telling jokes and doing tricks. Last but definitely not least the Australian flag I chose this because I love my country Australia 🇦🇺.
Hopefully you like my avatar and if you’ve made an avatar please comment down below about it.

Signing off for now




Library Reflection

Hello People,

It’s the great Will🥳! I’m back with another post about books and library. My favourite genres of books are humour😂 and fantasy🦄 my favourite books are ‘The Land of Stories’ and ‘Diary Of A Wimpy Kid’ I also like the ‘Timmy Failure’ books (those are really funny). I would recommend the ‘Timmy Failure’ books to all fun loving kids because they are sooooo funny, they crack me up every time (and I’ve read them all more than once).

Did you know that there are movies for Timmy Failure and multiple for Diary of a Wimpy Kid?


At school as some of you know we have book chat. This is were we read a book in four weeks and after those four weeks we bring the book back to school and chat about what we thought of the book. I chose a book called Hatchet. It is about a boy that is going on a plane with only him and the pilot suddenly the pilot has a heart attack and dies, and the plane crashes in the middle of the forest. So the boy has to survive with only a hatchet. I’ve only read a bit of the book and it has nearly been to weeks😬! But so far it is really good.

Thank you for reading all this way and please comment on what books you like to read.
Continue reading

I’m in Year 5‼️

Yeh, you heard that right I’m in Year 5! I’m sooo excited there is so much cool stuff happening this year we have APS  which is were you chose a sport for the term and you get to play against other schools. Also we get to go to two camps one in Sovereign Hill and one at Toonalook. I’ve got an awesome new teacher and a cool new classroom. We also got 30 new kids so there is so much new friends to make.

Seeya later Will🤪

Welcome to Year 4

Dear Future Year 4’s,

I hear you’re coming up to 4LX next year.

Here’s three things you should know:

•  homework is way harder there is more of it and sometimes it takes a full hour to do one task!(that could just be me)

•  you have more responsibility with your buddy since there is no older buddy.

•  keep your handwriting up because you can get your pen licence.

A couple of things to look forward to are:

•  definitely camp. Camp is so fun! Even if you had a broken arm it is still super fun(I had a broken arm).

•  Cranbourne Garden is really fun there is so much cool plants.

A time I laughed was when we were reading a book, “then the Indians came PPFF!” someone farted!

A time I was challenged was when there was this homework task were you had to write a story using your spelling words especially if you had the word denominator and cake it is hard to make a story out a that.

I am proud of how much more stuff I learned in year 4.

I always remember Mrs Lennox saying “bring your work book on Friday!”

The Nativity Play

“Well it sounded nothing like my amazing plan after all, you know my motto, I found Rome in bricks I want a leave it in marble!” Proudly cried Augustus Caesar.

This term we have been working on the Nativity play. We have been looking through books and the Bible to create our very own nativity play. We made our own costumes and props. After mesmerising lines and figuring out were everything goes we performed a dress rehearsal to the other year 4s then we performed it to an age care who we go to see every term. Finally we performed it to our parents and our year two buddies.

A challenge was mesmerising my lines I overcome that by practicing at home instead of just school. Overall I really enjoyed performing.

Have you ever been in a play? What was it?


This term we are focusing on natural disasters.
I researched and wrote my own information report on bushfires.

We ended the unit by creating dioramas to show our understandings and shared them with our year 2 buddies. Here is my diorama:

Whilst creating my diorama I found an easy way to make trees you get little twigs and stick them on with putty but some times the fall down.

What type of natural disaster you would choose and why?

Perimeter and Area

In Measurement and Geometry we are looking at calculating the perimeter and area of regular shapes.

Perimeter is the border of a shape. Area is what is in side the perimeter.

In the real world using knowledge of this would help you when you are renovating your house or getting a new one or you are a architect or builder.

When do you use area and perimeter?

Divisibility Rule

We are the near the end of year and have learned many different strategies to help us in all areas of maths. 

One particularly interesting method to help you to divide big numbers can be to know the divisibility rules. 

Each group in our class investigated one and has made a video to share so that we can all learn from each other. 

My group made this one on 7’s.

Watch my video carefully and answer the final question. 

Is 467 divisible by 7?

Dot Day

“Dot Day!” Lizzie and Ophelia screamed at me while stamping a sticker on my shirt. Click to see a video!

I know you are all thinking, that they absolutely wrecked my award winning school uniform that I haven’t washed in a week, but no it was literally Dot Day. I know right, a day all about dots. So I know your thinking that it is weird, but it is an international celebration about the book called The Dot by Peter Reynolds. It was all about a girl that didn’t think she was good at drawing, so her art teacher told her to do something on her paper and sign it, so the girl drew a dot and soon she was famous at her school. The point is that you don’t have to be good at everything.

After all that I have to tell you about what I did. My class and I went down to the Preps to do some activities, we got partnered up with someone. I got partnered up with a kid called Xavier first we did some comparing and contrasting to see what we had in common, after that we drew something we have in common on our own paper plate after we had done all the drawing we cut them in half and gave one half to your partner then glue your half and your partners to another paper plate. After all that we had a great day.

What’s your favourite celebration and why?