Welcome to Year 4

Dear Future Year 4’s,

I hear you’re coming up to 4LX next year.

Here’s three things you should know:

•  homework is way harder there is more of it and sometimes it takes a full hour to do one task!(that could just be me)

•  you have more responsibility with your buddy since there is no older buddy.

•  keep your handwriting up because you can get your pen licence.

A couple of things to look forward to are:

•  definitely camp. Camp is so fun! Even if you had a broken arm it is still super fun(I had a broken arm).

•  Cranbourne Garden is really fun there is so much cool plants.

A time I laughed was when we were reading a book, “then the Indians came PPFF!” someone farted!

A time I was challenged was when there was this homework task were you had to write a story using your spelling words especially if you had the word denominator and cake it is hard to make a story out a that.

I am proud of how much more stuff I learned in year 4.

I always remember Mrs Lennox saying “bring your work book on Friday!”