My indigenous video

As part of 4Ts history unit, we studied Indigenous culture.

We thought of a question that we wanted to be answered. We got sorted into 6 groups: indigenous food, tools, music, dreaming, art and languages. Then we had to research about our question, then we had to make video about what we learnt. After our whole group finished we made it into one big video.

My group’s topic was music and my question was ‘Who are some famous aboriginal musicians’.

Here is my group’s video:

What did you learn in my video?


‘Who said we were going to a dessert?’ I think as I walk out onto the pathway.

My class and me were at the Royale Botanic Gardens Cranbourne. To learn about indigenous culture.

And as I said it looks a lot like a red dessert. But as Our guide says it’s a ‘Australian Dessert Garden’ .

Then we went to have a look at some aboriginal weapons and tools. They were really cool, did you know that the aboriginal boys used grass reads to breathe under water?

 We also made some paint using a rock called ochre and used it to put our hand prints on a big rock we also used the paint to make aboriginal symbols.


              What do you know about aboriginal culture?