My indigenous video

As part of 4Ts history unit, we studied Indigenous culture.

We thought of a question that we wanted to be answered. We got sorted into 6 groups: indigenous food, tools, music, dreaming, art and languages. Then we had to research about our question, then we had to make video about what we learnt. After our whole group finished we made it into one big video.

My group’s topic was music and my question was ‘Who are some famous aboriginal musicians’.

Here is my group’s video:

What did you learn in my video?

Book Chat

Hi In Year 4 we have Book Chat. You may be wondering what on earth am I talking about?! Is it chatting with books? NO book chat is a way to read and then chat about the book (not to the book). We have 3 weeks to finish a book. But sometimes other book chat groups could have months or maybe even years.

“Blueback” by Tim Winton

This 3 weeks I have chosen to read “Blueback” by Tim Winton. I chose this book because it looked interesting to read. I haven’t started the book but out of what I have heard it sounds good.  It is about a boy who loves to snorkel with his mum I would be willing to tell you more but I can’t.

What books are you reading?